Thursday, July 23, 2009

Alternative Resources for Jobs

The following consist of excerpts of an interview of Alonzo Evans of Jaguar Express, Inc. and writer, S. Barry Hamdani. This writer has a vested interested in the development of our most vital resource: Water.

SBH: Tell us, Mr. Evans, what can be done to insure the states has
a substantial supply of water accessible for public use,
and what is some of the controversy surrounding water?

AE: Well, beyond mandated water restrictions, you mean?

SBH: Umhmm.

AE: I recently spoke with Bob Anderson.

SBH: Who is Bob?

AE : Bob Anderson of Statesboro, Georgia owns a drilling
company in that area.Bob provided insight
regarding the necessary flow of water
required in Jaguar 53ll.It requires environmental
reports to insure every aspect of the plan
environmentally friendly.

SBH: I get it.

AE : We consulted Bob to determine how best to wrap up Jaguar 5311-F.

SBH: ...and the reports are subject to funding?

AE: Yes. There are several components of the plan and several codes.

SBH: What will be the result of an implemented Jaguar 5311 plan?

AE: Good question. We consulted with one of the most successful
operators in government funded transportation at the
reknown Clayburn Center.

SBH: How did he help?

AE: She. The most successful operator, in my opinion is a lady,
Ann August and constituents will agree. Ann August,
CCTM,Director of Santee Wateree.Regional Transportation
Authority in Sumter, South Carolina.

We are moving in that direction because she is successfully
perfecting transportation plans and is forward thinking.

SBH: My bad. It's a lady. How did she help?

AE: Ann reviewed Jaguar 5311. First of all, we're
in full compliance. Secondly, the foundation
of our plan is consistent with all successful models.
In addition to providing public transportation
to recipients under 5311-F.

SBH: That's the disabled and/or handicap citizens?

AE: ...and it include low income and middle class, etc.
There are many components. to include
all citizens.In addition to transportation,
we have added solar panels to reduce energy
use and cost, but we didn't stop there,
Barry. For example,we incorporated bio-diesel
fuel as part of the plan.

SBH: How does bio-diesel fit into the Jaguar 5311-F plan.

AE: We are providing Bus Depots for passengers we alluded to earlier,
making transportation available to them,transportation that's now,
inaccessible. Within our Depots you'll find entrepreneurs
running privately owned food courts. Retail facilities.

SBH: Ok. I get it. You're going to convert vegetable oil to bio-diesel.

AE: Exactly!

SBH: How do you handle the negative stigma of bio-diesel. You know, the talk
about bio-diesel and the corruption of gas filters and does bio-diesel
actually cause the inside of the storage tanks to deteriorate, thereby
contaminating the fuel?

AE: No, Barry. That's probably the greatest misconception of bio-diesel.
Here's what we're dealing with.

SBH: Tell us.

AE: Gas producers may benefit from this misconception.
The deal is B20 graded bio-diesel has those negative consequences.

AE: So, it's graded and categorized?

SBH: Yes. The Federal government, under ASTM D 6751
specifications, prohibits the use of B20 in the U.S.
There is B5 graded bio-diesel that is clearly without
the adverse affects mentioned. Oil filters. Contamination
and so forth. Oil companies know that. The public
doesn't not.

SBH: They know now.


SBH: I'm sorry. We digressed. Went from water to fuel.

AE: Actually, you have not digressed. The Jaguar Express plan involves
the use of alternative energy at every front. Solar panels
for the Depots, bio-diesel for buses. Solar energy
will also power our electric buses.

SBH: Ok. I get the alternative energy part. What about the water?

AE: It's a common sense solution. Tried and proven since the beginning of time.
Dig fresh water wells. The farmers know that, but no one in Washington is
talking to them. There are droughts. We need water and we need to create jobs.
Thus, Jaguar 5311-F.

SBH: So, the solution is to dig wells.

AE: That's part of the solution. In some areas, wells are environmentally
prohibited, due to the logistics of digging in certain areas.

SBH: But, where you can dig, you can create jobs.

AE: Yes. And every aspect of Jaguar 5311-F provides jobs and stimulate commerce.
someone has to manufacture. That creates jobs. Someone has to drive the buses.
That create jobs. Someone has to build, deliver and maintain buses. That's

SBH: And food courts.

AE: More jobs. You've got it.

SBH: Why isn't government cooperating?

AE: It's called CHANGE. We have a broken system. It has to be revamped.

We can't simply convert diesel with vegetable oil, due to high glycerin content. These "feed stocks" must be refined and catalyzed to meet standards. If solvent )bio-diesel acts as a solvent), then the blend is B20 or greater. B20 bio-diesel may breakdown the varnish deposit of walls of storage tanks and fuel systems which will contaminate the fuel with particulate, plugging the fuel filter. B20 has minimal solvent effects on fuel.

Having worked with putting greens for so long, I and golf course designers can see the immediate need and cost savings in the use of alternative resources for water, which is why I am happy to conduct this interview on a most critical issue: water.

Jaguar Express E:mail:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jobs, Wells & Water

There has been a severe water shortage in the Georgia, Alabama and Florida region. This shortage led to ongoing litigation among the states. A Federal judge recently ruled that Alabama, Florida and Georgia require an alternative source of water. Under Jaguar 5311-F alternative water supply options are in place. The essence of the Jaguar plan evolves around digging natural fresh water wells.

" What's wrong with using what has worked for ages. Common sense?" asked Alonzo Evans.

Jaguar propose to eliminate much of the inevitable political maze and waste by using natural resources already in place; for example, we can extract fresh water, immediately. This process of extraction will create thousands of new jobs and restore the infrastructure of our eco system. Many benefits are associated with this strategy; it saves money; it eliminates waste, it creates jobs; water is life.

The states of Georgia, Florida and Alabama are currently extracting water from the Chatahoochie River, Lake Lanier, Lake Altoona, etc. Many pipes and man-made materials within the lakes are distressing the eco system. Corrosion, displacement, contamination of mussels and many natural denizens of the environment are adversely affected.

If you would like to have Jaguar 5311-F effectuated, please contact your congressman, and local representative and ask Why Not?

Why not create jobs by digging fresh water wells? Why spend billions of dollars researching additional avenues of locating and extracting fresh water when an old tried and proven --environmentallly correct--means is at hand. It's also, relatively inexpensive. When we overlook the current political environment, we arrive at forward thinking. We should look back, only long enough to learn the lesson. The lesson entails the effective use of natural resources.

We have water.